Business information

Eurania OÜ is a company registered in Estonia.
Estonia is often known in IT circles as the home of Skype, talent of the engineers of Kazaa and an e-state success story.

Company registration number: 11499882

EU VAT number: EE101263348

Office/Postal Address:
Oja 4
Povvatu, Luunja vald
Tartumaa, Estonia

We have set green policies accross the company and welcome digitally signed documents and electronic correspondence whenever possible.



Mobile solutions: Applications for Android and Bada platforms, Java ME applications for mass market phones. Messaging systems (MMS and SMS), USSD and SIM Toolkit, Java Card.


Web 2.0: Java backend systems, front-end systems using common web frameworks, payment gateway integrations and messaging systems.


Product management: product marketing and business development - understading and analysing end customers to create additional value.